I kept an eye on her for the rest of the meet-up (trying not to seem too stalkerish), because I was so fascinated that even when both newborns started crying and wanting to nurse, she still kept her cool and simply responded to their needs. When I had one baby that age, I was not nearly so cool about meeting his needs in public (or even at home). I was more likely to burst into tears! Watching her with her tiny loves was such a peaceful experience, and so encouraging to see.
I know that I only saw a slice of her life, that she probably has bad moments, or gets overwhelmed, or just cries right along with her babies--but for that hour, she was an inspiration. So thank you, momma of twins + 1, for loving your babies and demonstrating joy and peace in motherhood to a bunch of moms who need it! You rock! If I see you there next month, I'll make sure to tell you so in person. :)
This is not the mom from the group, but very similar to how her babies were wrapped!
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"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29